Harmony within balance and creativity

Today, the concepts of balance and creativity came to my mind at different times. At some point in the middle of the day, I realized that I used my creativity more than I thought about a subject without realizing it. At another point in the day, I saw the importance of balance in nature. 🌸

What kind of balance is this? 🤓

Before I started the article, the word harmony came to my mind, but what I actually mean is; finding your place in balance. 📍 Then my word changed again and became harmony in balance. ✨

We can observe many examples of this in the nature. For example, in the past years I have observed how a cormorant uses its wings to catch its prey under the sea. It understood the balance of the water and dived accordingly. I guess creativity comes into play at this point. Continuing from here, creativity can be using resources in the most possible way to achieve harmony. 🌱

Contrary to what is imagined, creativity can also be seen as something related to daily life. For example, making a meal different or discovering shortcuts while going somewhere can also be described as using your creativity. 🙃 With your permission, I would like to ask you a similar question; How do you use your creativity and become a part of the balance? ✨

“Kiss the Ground” Documentary

Nature has caught my attention lately. I believe that flowers, animals and other parts of nature significantly improve our quality of life. Recently, I watched a documentary about nature called “Kiss the Ground” on Netflix. I felt almost every emotion while watching it. While it clearly explains what wars and similar bad things take away from the world in the long run, it also tells us what solutions we can use as human beings. At the end of the documentary, I saw that nature can heal itself when we apply right agriculture methods.


What did I learn from the documentary?

Saving the world is easier than we think. Another name for soil is dirt and this dirt is vital. Humans are not that different from other animals when we look at ourselves as homosapiens. Of course, we are not the same because our evolution is different, but; we are made up of biologically similar things and we take some of our steps by listening to our primitive brain. At this point, it can be said that we are more connected to nature than we think. We even work on issues such as social inequality today due to applying wrong agriculture methods that affect nature.


When a farmer shared his business going down and meeting biodiversity, he used a word that summarizes the documentary which is biodiversity. In this article, I will not describe techniques as my aim is to share points that I liked. However, the solution is to grow more plants in the soil rather than just one type of plant. The important thing absorbing the carbon from  the air rather than sending it upwards and creating global warming. One of the main causes of global climate change is the drying of the soil.


The second thing I learned is that there are beneficial techniques for this in the world right now. Many devoted people are giving seminars and training people, while others continue their work to revitalize the soil. It was hopeful to hear  their experiences in the documentary.


Putting all these into consideration;


The documentary really affected me with many factors that I wrote above and couldn’t because there were many. Presenting the solution in the most simple way made it easier for me to watch. I saw that there are many ways to contribute to this culture and they are not less complicated than we assume.

Note: Anyone who has watched the documentary and wants to watch it, please share your ideas with me via serraispahani@gmail.com or Instagram.


You can watch a video about the documentary by clicking here;


Kiss the Ground: Onarıcı Tarım, https://www.netflix.com/tr/title/81321999 *