
Hi ! ☺️

This is the first blog post of the year! 🌱 That’s why I chose a topic that may inspire you throughout the year and when you think about new beginnings. While I was preparing, I wrote and drew with excitement . 🤩 Focusing more on the topic, the beginning of the year is often paired with new goals. 🎄✨ What do you value when you are setting goals? In this article, I will be sharing questions that I think may inspire you. 🖊 If you find / have more questions while reading, you can add them to your list. After all, this is your list and no one knows you better than you. ☺️

1-Does this decision really reflect me?

Does this decision support me?

What is the value of this decision?

Can I see myself in that film/photo/picture?

2- When I think about the answers to the questions in the first step, what are my goals in particular? What will be their contributions ? What can I do to walk towards to the point I want? What will keep me on the road with determination?

3- By starting with especially which one will make it easier for you to reach your other goals?